I do not give because I have too much, I give, because I know how it feels not to have anything.
Wise words we live by. Giving back is part of who we are as a company and as people. We love to support worthy charitable causes and lend a helping hand
If you would like to contribute to any of the projects, message us
We are a proud supporters of Run For The Cure Foundation.
Run for the Cure® Foundation's mission is to eradicate breast cancer in Japan as a life-threatening disease through education, timely screening, and treatment.
Modupe Cole Home and School for Disabled Children is an orphanage in Lagos, Nigeria, that cares for children with disabilities. They care for over 450 children, more than 100 of them is bed ridden 24/7.
This project is closest to our hearts and visit this home on regular bases, supporting with donations and material help. We appreciate all contributions
Supporting children with cancer and other serious illnesses in Japan and their families. Their goals are
1. To empower children with cancer and their families through counseling, education, club activities and sibling support.
2. To realize excellence in medical teams and treatment by providing additional medical staff, enabling collaboration among medical teams and supporting targeted research.
3. To raise awareness of childhood cancer in the community through academic circles, general public volunteering and corporate sponsor involvement.